Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 2014 Comic Book Events

I think it's safe to say that 2014 was a great year for comics: fantastic movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America:The Winter Soldier ruled the box office, shows such as Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham had superb television ratings, and most importantly, comic book sales were at an all time high. There were a lot events that happened in the comic book world this year and I've put together a little list of my top favorite events.

5.) Marvel's announcement for a whole new Captain America and Thor was definitely a high point this year. With Steve Rodgers' rapid aging, he has passed the shield down to Sam Wilson aka Falcon, making him the new Captain America and leader of the Avengers. Earlier in the year, Nick Fury whispered something in Thor Odinson's ear in the story arc. Original Sin that made Thor unworthy to wield his trusty hammer Mjolnir. In October, Thor #1 hit comic shops with a new person worthy of  Mjolnir, but this time around, the new Thunder God is female.

4.) The new creative team of Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcer took over Batgirl in issue #35 and it has become quite a fan favorite. Barbara is back in college and Batgirl has a new look. The series has become to lean towards the social media generation and in my opinion, it has been really fun to read.

3.) After almost a year since Damian Wayne's death, Batman managed to retrieve Damian's soul from Apokolips in Robin Rises. Damian is now back with super strength, the ability to fly, and a new bullet proof body. In 2015, it's going to be pretty enjoyable to see Batman fighting along side with his now superhuman son.

2.) Back in May, DC Comics came out with an 11 month weekly series titled Futures End. Issue #0 was released on Free Comic Book Day and it started 35 years into the future on Prime Earth. Brother Eye has transformed the majority of everyone on Earth, including heroes like Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman, into cyborg bugs. Bruce Wayne has designed a time machine to travel back and prevent this horrible future but right before Bruce is able to use the machine, the Batcave is overrun with cyborgs and Batman Beyond's Terry McGinnis is forced to travel in time instead to prevent Brother Eye's take over.

1.) Marvel Comics did something that many speculated would never actually happen by killing off one of its most iconic characters. Logan lost his mutant healing factor which led many of his past enemies to come after him and try to kill him. In September, Marvel released a four part series titled Death of Wolverine and even though many didn't approve about the way Wolverine was killed off, I believe his death belongs on the top spot for 2014 Comic Book Events.

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