Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Darker Look into Gotham

DC Comics added a new series by Ray Fawkes this past November entitled Gotham By Midnight. Fawkes is the same man that previously brought us Constantine.

Gotham by Midnight adds a new layer to Gotham City by making it a whole lot darker. Instead of focusing on the typical characters (i.e. Batman, Joker, Penguin, Two Face) this new installment deals with the supernatural side. Gotham by Midnight focuses on the midnight shift of GCPD's special unit that is known for investigating cases outside of Batmans understanding. This special paranormal unit consist of Jim Corrigan (aka Spectre), Detective Lisa Drake, Dr. Szandor Tarr (a forensic investigator), and a nun named Sister Justine.

I find the concept behind this series really neat because it's different from everything else that's inside the Batman Universe. I'm sure we'll see crossovers with characters such as Constantine and possibly even Justice League Dark later in the future. Ben Templesmith's artwork on Gotham By Midnight adds to this supernatural horror series by visually making it really dark and gritty. If you're a fan of the supernatural or just looking for something different to read, I suggest checking this series out. There's only two issues out right now but issue #3 is due to hit stores on January 28,2015 so don't worry, it's not too late to start reading Gotham By Midnight.

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