Saturday, December 13, 2014

Heart Warming Christmas Tales in a Nutcase Kinda way

The Harley Quinn: Holiday Special came out earlier this week, and it was an enjoyable issue full of Christmas cheer in a twisted way.

Harley meets her biggest challenge yet in the first tale titled "The Biggest Foe." 
In the story Harely's dogs and cats end up giving birth to a couple of big litters, to the point where her buddy Tony ends up convincing her she has to give them away. The two decide to give them away by helping people carry their bags to their cars outside of a shopping center. While carrying the bags the two would have conversations with the people to determine if the puppies or kittens were gonna go to a good home. Once they felt they were good people they would quickly slip the animal into their bags. After Harley and Tony were done getting rid of the cute furry creatures Harley ends up feeling guilty about getting rid of them, especially a pug named Aboo, Harley ends up tracking down Aboo and that's where the adventure really begins. Harley is caught sleeping in the house under a Christmas Tree with Aboo by the family she gave him to. That's when a little bratty girl named Cindy thinks that Harley is her new play toy and the only way out for Harley is to make Cindy think she's a "very bad toy."

The next two tales were  a little bit shorter than the first. In "Get Yer Cheer outta my Ear," while Harley is out Christmas shopping she trips and lands face first into the ground giving a pesky bug a chance to jump into her ear. But it's no ordinary bug, this magic bug likes to play Christmas music in the unfortunate victims eardrum driving them crazy. Harley must track down Santa to help her out before she umm...goes  even more insane.
And in the final tale called "Killing Time," Harley discovers a gray hair and the only thing she thinks she must do to fix the problem is to go after Father Time. I don't wanna give too much away on this one, lets just say Harley gets some help from the New Years Baby. The Holiday Special is out now, so go to your local Comic Shop and pickup this issue now!!!

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