Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Spider-Sense is Tingling, Class Must Be in Session!

Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 hit comic shops last week, and curiosity had me grabbing it off the shelves.

Before Wolverine died he reached out to Spider-Man and told him he believe there was a spy at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.So he asked Peter Parker to go undercover as Logan's replacement and try to figure out who it is. Spider-Man and Logan are the only two that know about this secret.

Now keep in mind that this is an all mutant school so the fact that Spider-Man will now be roaming the campus doesn't settle well with many there, including big time X-Men like Storm and Beast. Even though they don't like it, now that Wolverine is dead they are respecting his wishes of having Spider-Man take his place at the school. Logan had given Peter a list of the students that could be the potential mole so he could gather them in one class and keep an eye on them. Hellion (who I see being a big character in this series) is the most vocal one about not being happy being placed in a "Breakfast Club" style class.

I think this will be a great series moving forward. Spider-Man is going to have plenty of new challenges he must have to overcome. Not only will Spidey have to look for the mole, but he must overcome the ironic racism of him being there at the school. "Mr. Spider-Man" must also reach out to his Breakfast Club of misfits and teach them what being real heroes is all about. Not being to big on Spider-Man and X-Men comics I actually have high hopes for this series. If you're a comic lover like I am I strongly suggest picking up this #1 issue and see for yourself!

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