Thursday, December 25, 2014

Highlight Comic of the Week: Robin Rises Alpha #1

The day has finally arrived and Damian Wayne is back from the dead in, Robin Rises Alpha #1!

Damian Wayne is the son of Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Thalia al Ghul, and depending on who you're talking to, he is the 5th or 6th Robin (and now the 2nd Robin to rise from the dead.) Damian was killed almost a year ago back in early 2013 by the Heretic, an older clone version of himself.

Batman has been through hell and back as he traveled to Apokolips to get back Damian's stolen corpse from Darkseid, along with the help of Batgirl, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Cyborg. Robin Rises leaves off at the final parts of Batman and Robin #37. As we all have been speculating due to the recent hints, Damian is back and with Superpowers.

Damian's homecoming is short lived because he is immediately thrown into fighting for his life against Kalibak in the Batcave. It is at that very moment that Damian discovers his new superhuman strength and ability to fly.

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a huge Robin fan, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what Peter Tomasi does with Damian Wayne and his new found powers. I love the art work by Andy Kubert in this issue. Especially the part where Alfred is suiting up to battle with whats about to come through the Boom Tube and the reuniting of Bruce and his son Damian. If you're a Robin fan or even if you haven't been reading the Batman and Robin comics, I suggest you go and pickup Robin Rises Alpha #1 that's out now. It's almost safe to say 2015 will be a fun year in comics with Bat and Robin!

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