Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Top 2014 Comic Book Events

I think it's safe to say that 2014 was a great year for comics: fantastic movies like Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America:The Winter Soldier ruled the box office, shows such as Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham had superb television ratings, and most importantly, comic book sales were at an all time high. There were a lot events that happened in the comic book world this year and I've put together a little list of my top favorite events.

5.) Marvel's announcement for a whole new Captain America and Thor was definitely a high point this year. With Steve Rodgers' rapid aging, he has passed the shield down to Sam Wilson aka Falcon, making him the new Captain America and leader of the Avengers. Earlier in the year, Nick Fury whispered something in Thor Odinson's ear in the story arc. Original Sin that made Thor unworthy to wield his trusty hammer Mjolnir. In October, Thor #1 hit comic shops with a new person worthy of  Mjolnir, but this time around, the new Thunder God is female.

4.) The new creative team of Cameron Stewart and Brenden Fletcer took over Batgirl in issue #35 and it has become quite a fan favorite. Barbara is back in college and Batgirl has a new look. The series has become to lean towards the social media generation and in my opinion, it has been really fun to read.

3.) After almost a year since Damian Wayne's death, Batman managed to retrieve Damian's soul from Apokolips in Robin Rises. Damian is now back with super strength, the ability to fly, and a new bullet proof body. In 2015, it's going to be pretty enjoyable to see Batman fighting along side with his now superhuman son.

2.) Back in May, DC Comics came out with an 11 month weekly series titled Futures End. Issue #0 was released on Free Comic Book Day and it started 35 years into the future on Prime Earth. Brother Eye has transformed the majority of everyone on Earth, including heroes like Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman, into cyborg bugs. Bruce Wayne has designed a time machine to travel back and prevent this horrible future but right before Bruce is able to use the machine, the Batcave is overrun with cyborgs and Batman Beyond's Terry McGinnis is forced to travel in time instead to prevent Brother Eye's take over.

1.) Marvel Comics did something that many speculated would never actually happen by killing off one of its most iconic characters. Logan lost his mutant healing factor which led many of his past enemies to come after him and try to kill him. In September, Marvel released a four part series titled Death of Wolverine and even though many didn't approve about the way Wolverine was killed off, I believe his death belongs on the top spot for 2014 Comic Book Events.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

A Darker Look into Gotham

DC Comics added a new series by Ray Fawkes this past November entitled Gotham By Midnight. Fawkes is the same man that previously brought us Constantine.

Gotham by Midnight adds a new layer to Gotham City by making it a whole lot darker. Instead of focusing on the typical characters (i.e. Batman, Joker, Penguin, Two Face) this new installment deals with the supernatural side. Gotham by Midnight focuses on the midnight shift of GCPD's special unit that is known for investigating cases outside of Batmans understanding. This special paranormal unit consist of Jim Corrigan (aka Spectre), Detective Lisa Drake, Dr. Szandor Tarr (a forensic investigator), and a nun named Sister Justine.

I find the concept behind this series really neat because it's different from everything else that's inside the Batman Universe. I'm sure we'll see crossovers with characters such as Constantine and possibly even Justice League Dark later in the future. Ben Templesmith's artwork on Gotham By Midnight adds to this supernatural horror series by visually making it really dark and gritty. If you're a fan of the supernatural or just looking for something different to read, I suggest checking this series out. There's only two issues out right now but issue #3 is due to hit stores on January 28,2015 so don't worry, it's not too late to start reading Gotham By Midnight.

Go Stan Lee, it's Your Birthday!

Today we in the comic community celebrate a very special birthday, the man himself, Stan Lee turns 92!

Stan Lee was born December 28,1922 and boy does he still look good! Stan Lee has co-created some very iconic characters like, Spider-Man, X-Men, The Fantastic 4, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Iron Man. Lee has been a very influential person in the comic industry, paving the way for many writers and artists, during his time with Marvel Comics. Many of his characters have been brought to life in the big screen and if you look close enough you'll see him make a cameo in each of those movies, from a hotdog vendor in X-Men to a Smithsonian Institution security guard in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
So let's all give Stan Lee a very big Happy Birthday and may this year be good to him, Excelsior!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

An Outlaw Christmas

Christmas may be over but that doesn't mean you have to stop watching or reading Christmas specials. Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual issue arrived at comic book shops and it just happened to be Christmas Eve.

It's a Christmas Story the Outlaw way, which means a whole lot of shooting and bodies left behind. In this issue Red Hood, Arsenal, and Starfire are younger kiddie versions of themselves. But don't let these adorable tikes fool you, they're still the "shoot first, ask questions later" heroes we know and love. It's Christmas Eve at the Wayne Manor and the Outlaws discover Santa is missing. Despite being grounded by Batman, the three decide to head-out to the North Pole to try and find some clues as to who may have abducted Santa Claus,

This Annual issue was really enjoyable to read, and seeing the Outlaws as kids was extremely fun to look at. The Holidays may be coming to an end, but don't let that keep you from picking up this issue! Red Hood and the Outlaws #2 Annual is out now!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Superior Tony Stark

Tony Stark is as arrogant as ever in his new series, Superior Iron Man. We're just three issues in and I'm really digging what Tom Taylor is doing with this series.

Stark has moved to San Francisco to try out his latest invention called Extremis 3.0 app. This app is vanity at its finest, it helps improve a persons life by making them more attractive, smarter and healthier. But it sounds too good to be true and it comes with a price, and only a few can afford it.

Superior Iron Man #3 focuses on Tony Stark and Matt Murdock also known as Daredevil and it really shows Tony's new arrogant and aggressive personality. Matt Murdock reached out to Tony to try and reason with him about what Extremis 3.0 is doing to the city. The confrontation heats up when Tony uses the app on Matt Murdock without his permission, and Murdock's character really shows after Tony has given him something that even the greatest doctors couldn't do.

I wouldn't really call this an Iron Man comic but more of a Tony Stark story. It's different from what Marvel has out right now. It's more about morality and has the reader thinking what would you do if you were able to erase your flaws. Like any well written character you're going to either love him or despise him, but you're going to want to continue reading this series. Not to mention the new all chrome Iron Man suit is easy on the eyes. Superior Iron Man #3 is out now so go out and give it a try!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Highlight Comic of the Week: Robin Rises Alpha #1

The day has finally arrived and Damian Wayne is back from the dead in, Robin Rises Alpha #1!

Damian Wayne is the son of Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Thalia al Ghul, and depending on who you're talking to, he is the 5th or 6th Robin (and now the 2nd Robin to rise from the dead.) Damian was killed almost a year ago back in early 2013 by the Heretic, an older clone version of himself.

Batman has been through hell and back as he traveled to Apokolips to get back Damian's stolen corpse from Darkseid, along with the help of Batgirl, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Cyborg. Robin Rises leaves off at the final parts of Batman and Robin #37. As we all have been speculating due to the recent hints, Damian is back and with Superpowers.

Damian's homecoming is short lived because he is immediately thrown into fighting for his life against Kalibak in the Batcave. It is at that very moment that Damian discovers his new superhuman strength and ability to fly.

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm a huge Robin fan, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what Peter Tomasi does with Damian Wayne and his new found powers. I love the art work by Andy Kubert in this issue. Especially the part where Alfred is suiting up to battle with whats about to come through the Boom Tube and the reuniting of Bruce and his son Damian. If you're a Robin fan or even if you haven't been reading the Batman and Robin comics, I suggest you go and pickup Robin Rises Alpha #1 that's out now. It's almost safe to say 2015 will be a fun year in comics with Bat and Robin!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Shocking Secret Revealed for Upcoming Uncanny Avengers

Marvel released a new teaser poster for next years relaunch of the Uncanny Avengers earlier today. The teaser poster singles out Quicksilver indicating he might have been living a lie. What does that mean? Well let me give you a brief summary of who Quicksilver is.

In 1964 Quicksilver debuted on the issue of The X-Men #4. Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff) is a mutant with superhuman speed. His father is Magneto and has a twin sister Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch. Quicksilver has been part of a few affiliations, the Botherhood of Evil Mutants, Inhumans, X-Factor and now with the Avengers.

If you're not a comic book reader but a fan of the movies you may recognize Quicksilver in this years X-Men: Days of Future Past. Where he is portrayed as a juvenile delinquent that helps Xavier and Logan breakout Magneto from the Pentagon. He also appeared on the end credits along with his sister on Captain America: The Winter Soldier and will be coming out on next years Avengers: Age of Ultron. Since 20th Century Fox owns X-Men and Marvel Studios has the rights to Avengers, due to contract agreement Quicksilver isn't referred to as the son of Magneto. Although 20th Century Fox found a funny way of sneaking that into Days of Future Past.

So what is the poster hinting too? Its hinting that Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch may not have been mutants all along but in fact Inhumans, a Superhuman Race created by the Kree.

Uncanny Avengers by Rick Remender and Daniel Acuna will be hitting comic shops January 28,2015!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Highlight Comic of the Week Batman: Endgame Part 3

Scott Snyder once again doesn't disappoint with Batman: End Game Part 3!

If you've been under a rock and haven't been reading Endgame, the secret is out on who the villain that returned to Gotham to wreck havoc really is. In Endgame pt1, Batman is attacked by the Justice League with no warning, first by Wonder Woman then by The Flash. Batman is able to subdue the two and then Superman arrives. It's then that Batman see's the big grin on his face and realizes who's behind their mind control. Batman is surprised to discover that The Joker is alive after thinking he had died in The Death of The Family, but he's back with his new face now intact.

In End Game Pt3, the citizens of Gotham are running rampant through the city due to the new formula of Joker's Toxin.  The airborne toxin is being spread through a person's cough, sneeze, or laugh. Of course, Batman being Batman is always ready for anything thrown his way. Over the years Batman has created hundreds of cures for Joker's Toxins, but this time, none of the cures are working. Joker has added a secret element to the toxin and Batman now has to race against the clock to figure out a cure before the city is locked down and rips its self apart.

Snyder knows how to keep you on the edge of your seat with every issue. He also knows how to get the reader emotionally involved with the story and leaves them wanting more. Add that to the amazing penciling by the man himself, Greg Capullo, and there is never a disappointing Batman issue. We're barely at issue 3 of Endgame so its not too late to pickup the first two parts. Even though Batman is a hot commodity on New Comic Book Day, you can always get lucky and find the previous issues at your local Comic Shop..some will even back order for you. Batman: Endgame Part 3 is out today so go out and pick it up now!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

My Spider-Sense is Tingling, Class Must Be in Session!

Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 hit comic shops last week, and curiosity had me grabbing it off the shelves.

Before Wolverine died he reached out to Spider-Man and told him he believe there was a spy at the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.So he asked Peter Parker to go undercover as Logan's replacement and try to figure out who it is. Spider-Man and Logan are the only two that know about this secret.

Now keep in mind that this is an all mutant school so the fact that Spider-Man will now be roaming the campus doesn't settle well with many there, including big time X-Men like Storm and Beast. Even though they don't like it, now that Wolverine is dead they are respecting his wishes of having Spider-Man take his place at the school. Logan had given Peter a list of the students that could be the potential mole so he could gather them in one class and keep an eye on them. Hellion (who I see being a big character in this series) is the most vocal one about not being happy being placed in a "Breakfast Club" style class.

I think this will be a great series moving forward. Spider-Man is going to have plenty of new challenges he must have to overcome. Not only will Spidey have to look for the mole, but he must overcome the ironic racism of him being there at the school. "Mr. Spider-Man" must also reach out to his Breakfast Club of misfits and teach them what being real heroes is all about. Not being to big on Spider-Man and X-Men comics I actually have high hopes for this series. If you're a comic lover like I am I strongly suggest picking up this #1 issue and see for yourself!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Heart Warming Christmas Tales in a Nutcase Kinda way

The Harley Quinn: Holiday Special came out earlier this week, and it was an enjoyable issue full of Christmas cheer in a twisted way.

Harley meets her biggest challenge yet in the first tale titled "The Biggest Foe." 
In the story Harely's dogs and cats end up giving birth to a couple of big litters, to the point where her buddy Tony ends up convincing her she has to give them away. The two decide to give them away by helping people carry their bags to their cars outside of a shopping center. While carrying the bags the two would have conversations with the people to determine if the puppies or kittens were gonna go to a good home. Once they felt they were good people they would quickly slip the animal into their bags. After Harley and Tony were done getting rid of the cute furry creatures Harley ends up feeling guilty about getting rid of them, especially a pug named Aboo, Harley ends up tracking down Aboo and that's where the adventure really begins. Harley is caught sleeping in the house under a Christmas Tree with Aboo by the family she gave him to. That's when a little bratty girl named Cindy thinks that Harley is her new play toy and the only way out for Harley is to make Cindy think she's a "very bad toy."

The next two tales were  a little bit shorter than the first. In "Get Yer Cheer outta my Ear," while Harley is out Christmas shopping she trips and lands face first into the ground giving a pesky bug a chance to jump into her ear. But it's no ordinary bug, this magic bug likes to play Christmas music in the unfortunate victims eardrum driving them crazy. Harley must track down Santa to help her out before she umm...goes  even more insane.
And in the final tale called "Killing Time," Harley discovers a gray hair and the only thing she thinks she must do to fix the problem is to go after Father Time. I don't wanna give too much away on this one, lets just say Harley gets some help from the New Years Baby. The Holiday Special is out now, so go to your local Comic Shop and pickup this issue now!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Batgirl #37 hits shelves today

It's Wednesday which means it's new comic book day! So many great comics came out but the one I'll highlight today is Batgirl #37.
  *Warning Possible Spoilers*
This is the third issue from the new writing team and I gotta say it's been fun reading this comic!
Batgirl has a new doppelganger that is trying to give her a bad name and replace Barbra as the new Batgirl. We'll follow Babs around while she tries to bring this new impostor down and fix her image. You'll also continue to feel the tension between Babs and Dinah, which I hope lasts a little longer because I'm digging that right now. There might also have been a new love interest for Barbra introduced in this issue. Batgirl #37 in my opinion is the sleeper comic of the week. Go out to your local comic shop and pickup this issue ASAP.