Monday, January 5, 2015


Marvel has announced a large amount of movies that are set to be released all the way through 2019. Incase you don't read comics but love the movies, you're in luck because most of the films coming out have familiar faces like Avengers, X-Men, Guardians of the Galaxy and Fantastic Four. There is however one group of heroes you may not be familiar with, the Inhumans

Inhumans is scheduled to be released in November of 2018, which gives you plenty of time to get acquainted with this species of superhumans. The Inhuman race was created and then abandoned by the Kree and are led by their King, Black Bolt and his Queen, Medusa in the city of Attilan. Not too long ago, the race of Inhumans was introduced on ABC's Agents of S.H.IE.L.D. The show is to be connected with the Marvel Universe Films. If you want to start reading the comics but don't know where to start, you can find the #1 issue of Inhumans right now for free on the ComiXology app. so go download it now! 

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